Three bands have had a shake up of their members, with callers retiring so I have started calling with
High Jinks
Three Point Turn
and Fiddlestrum
I've also had repeat bookings with Black Cat Band, White Knuckle Ride,and Forlorn Hope and with smaller subsets of musicians where the customer wanted to cut costs for a small party.
I've called for dancing all around Cheshire, and in Derbyshire, North Wales, Lancashire and even had a booking in Coventry (the organiser wanted Don's fiddle).
I also keep busy dancing and taking my turn on the callers rota at 3 clubs and have been guest caller at 2 more.
I still fit in some time to dance to other excellent callers and bands at local dances and festivals. They are an inspiration. And to sit in sessions enjoying the tunes and playing a few notes while marvelling at the skill of some of the players.
As ever, traditional music, and the dances that go with them are a joy to be part of and to share with others.