They said....

 A 70th birthday party with Bernard Cromarty  
Thank you very much for playing and calling at the party on Saturday.
I was very keen that we had live music without the sound overpowering everything and without the dances being too difficult for the participants. I thought the two of you provided the perfect balance.

A church Anniversary with Bernard Cromarty
Hi Mo and Bernard 
Many thanks for Saturday night. Lots of people came back to me on Saturday night and at Harvest Parade yesterday to say how much they enjoyed the evening.

A church anniversary celebration with the Time Bandits

Just to say 'thank-you' for your playing (and Mo for calling so well) on Saturday night! We've had so many favourable comments & everybody has said what a great band you are!!!
Thanks for such an enjoyable evening of dancing. It was really appreciated.
An 85th birthday party
Thanks again to you and Bernard for a great afternoon - we all had so much fun! Especially Grandma

A family party using recorded music
Thank you so much for coming last night you made our party again its so good to see all the kids giggling and enjoying the party and having fun and I  really enjoyed it too. The best ice breaker ever!! I'm forwarding the pictures  later today if all goes well.

After Mellor Rose Queens ceilidh with High Jinks
Dear Kate and band,
I just want to say a huge thanks for performing at out Barndance a few weeks ago.  We raised over £800 which is a fantastic amount.  
The feed back we have had has been fantastic, especially concerning your band and caller.  I have already passed your contact details on to a few people

From a band member
Hello Mo
So we finally met.......
Thanks for last night - we enjoyed playing for you.
Looking forward to the next one.

A school PTA barn dance with Black Cat band
Thank you Mo.
The event was most definitely a great sucess.  The children loved the dancing - and already I have heard calls for 'please can we do it again next year?'.   It was a great community builder for school

A Birthday party with Black Cat band
Thanks Mo for all your efforts and thanks to the Band too. I've had many nice comments from the party-goers saying how much they enjoyed the music and dancing, even if they didn't dance themselves.
You organised it very well and I shall certainly pass your name to friends.

From a band member
Thanks for doing the gig with us Mo - I think everyone enjoyed it! Hope you did too.

Evaluation from dancers at a family weekend offering tasters of various kinds of dance
Folk Dance Session Maureen Waddington and musician Saturday evening 7.15-8.15 pm
Enjoyed more than the jive
I enjoyed dancing with my family it was very fast and funny. I got really tired very quickly
I loved skipping and jumping and dancing with other people and staff
It was fun for the whole group
It was funny very funny we worked togever!
It was really funny to see my daddy dancing and getting envolved
Enjoyed the dancing all together!
Found the folk dance a bit boring , but made the most of it
Too much for me, but enjoyed what I did
We did it togever! Mummy dancing with Lee
Swing echove around and round ha ha ha!
I liked changing partners bit too energetic
Dancing with my children and others, Liverpool spider, dancing with my inlaw only because he went red
More fun than jive
It was really fun! Enjoyed learning the steps and doesidoing
I would like some more singing
Slower pace of teaching to learn basic steps

It was boring to much talking

I really enjoyed it because of the moves

 From a band leader
Just a quick note to say thanks so much for last night - everyone really enjoyed themselves and we thought you picked just the right dances for the crowd.  Hopefully we'll be able to do it again sometime soon!

After a Sealed Knot banquet with Playford dancing
 Firstly, many thanks for your contribution to making the recent banquet the success it was. feeling was that all the guests were enjoying themselves throughout the evening.    The time went by all too quickly, with many more staying for longer (V.I.P.'s included).  
I thought the dancing response was the best yet. I don't think you had to do as much persuading. Certainly, the programme of dances, as we discussed, worked, and, if you have kept a list of same, could, certainly, be repeated next year. We joked with the Deputy Mayor (who may be elected as Mayor for next year) that (having found out he would very much like to dance) best to start with dance one (Peascods) because dances would become more complex later, and this he found out for himself when he was asked to dance by the Royalist Lord General - a female. Thank you so much, Mo, for all your planning, patience and humour, which did much to enhance the evening for those tripping the light fantastic. It is also appreciated that your fee remains at ....

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