Sunday, 18 January 2015

That's the way to run a ceilidh

Although Kelsall is an inland village it has an RNLI fundraising group. And last night they held a Barn Dance. They'd started selling tickets well before Christmas and had persuaded various groups that it would make a good new year's social event. I put the event on various folkdance websites and newsgroups and advertised it at the dance clubs I attend.
The hall was packed, and quite a few of those present had danced before; the rest were either quick learners or excellent at faking. The sets were full for every dance and there was even a spontaneous Bouree when the band thought they were playing a warm-up tune after the supper break.
I was calling with the Black Cat band so three of us were within 2 miles of home and the rest quite near. A sensible choice  at this time of year, why risk a distant band with such excellent musicians on the doorstep. Actually it didn't snow till we were tucked up in bed.
After testing another hotpot recipe (excellent) we carried on dancing. Although a few left early the floor was still full well after 11 as the band played till their fingers dropped off and the dancers stripped the willow.

Seeing the new year in

I was with White Knuckle Ride at Croft for a NYE ceilidh. Dancing from 8 - midnight, so I needed to remember more dances than I thought I knew. It was a good evening, I think some of the dancers were tiring by midnight!