Monday, 12 December 2022

Christmas party time with the u3a country dance group

 For our last dance of the season we had decided to bring a festive nibbles to share. Then I had a generous offer from Ann Hinchcliffe (see next post) to come and play some Carols for us to dance to. A couple of Kelsall musicians agreed to join us. 

A car-load of dancers from Stockton Heath Folk Dance Club joined us making it a fun afternoon.

Ann played a tune that is now a carol but was published in 1589 as a dance.

She led us in her version, We were glad it wasn't as energetic as these re-enactors' version Official Bransle

We danced two dances published by Playford in the 17th century,  and dances from the 20th century and earlier.

Two of our members each called a dance 

Photos copyright Sue Sinclair & Kathryn Dahill. Pleasedo not share without permission